Dogu Akdeniz 2021
Executed on the first part of November, the Dogu Akdeniz exercise focused on activating and evaluating the Turkish Maritime Force (TURMARFOR) under national authorities before the following year’s NATO certification as Maritime Component Command of NATO Response Force (NRF) in 2023.
Another one of the goals of the exercise was to evaluate humanitarian aid and natural disaster response procedures with the participation of a multinational, joint force, and public and civil organizations based on a generic scenario.

The exercise scenario also included an asymmetric threat at sea, CBRN incidents, evacuation of non-combatants, humanitarian aid, natural disaster support, counter-piracy, and terrorist activities at sea saying. On the second phase of the exercise, surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, anti-air warfare, maritime interdiction operations, submarine rescue operations and live firing drills were carried out.
Dogu Akdeniz-2021 had three phases. The first one between 01-02 November consisted of harbour drills, with forces assembling in Aksaz. The second phase between 03-07 November was the operational readiness training, with combat enhancement training and force integration training, including asymmetric warfare drills, live-firing drills, electronic warfare drills, ASuW/ASW/AAW drills, and PHOTEX. Finally, the third phase of tactical training was conducted between 01-07 November and was the crisis management free play phase, which includes crisis and wartime scenarios, to be carried out simultaneously in the East-Med.
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