Prime Accord Exercise

Four F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the Borcea 86th Air Base, along with two F-16 aircraft, an unmanned aircraft, and two air refueling aircraft from the US Air Force deployed in Europe – USAFE, participated on Thursday, January 14, at the multinational air exercise Prime Accord.
The exercise included escort missions and combat air patrols and was coordinated by the Air Operations Component of the Air Force Staff, with the support of radio equipment belonging to the 76th Research, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Brigade “Dacia”.
The exercise aimed to strengthen the reinsurance measures of the North Atlantic Alliance in the South-East of Europe, as well as to verify the integration capacity of the command and control systems – C2 of Romania and NATO, thus contributing to increasing Romania’s confidence in the United States in ensuring regional security.
The participation of Romanian aircraft in this type of activity allows the training of personnel in the execution of such missions and contributes to the development of multinational cooperation in the airfield by applying common procedures.
By successfully executing the joint training exercise, the allied forces involved are fully prepared to carry out their missions in all areas, demonstrating involvement and interoperability in the context of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.